Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let the snow end!

It has been snowing here on and off for the past few weeks and many classes have been cancelled as a result. Finally, the roads are clear and the sun is out! GED testing had to be rescheduled for this week. The next GED test is scheduled for March 6, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at RCC Glenns. Sign up soon to ensure space. MPRACE office staff is working on a cookbook filled with wonderful ideas for gift baskets with a twist. It will encourage our students to have fun and spend time with their children while improving their math skills.


  1. Finally, Spring has Sprung. complete with daylight savings time. I am still a little out of sort with the time change. The next GED test is April 13, 2010. Register early. I can't tell you how many calls came in last summer from folks looking for a test center open after school closed.

  2. Five grants due within a month. The biggest (ABE) is done and signed. What a relief. Next!
    Last GED test scheduled for the school year is May 22, 2010, Register ASAP.
